One of the age old questions that every man faces when deciding on his wardrobe is whether to wear pleated pants or flat-front dress and casual pants. Some men look better in pleated pants while other men look better in flat-front dress pants. One pair of pants may be great for one man but the same style will look horrible on another man. However, it’s easy to decide which style of pants is right for you. You just have to decide what your comfort requirements are and what you body shape is.
Slimmer gentlemen, especially those that are tall, should not wear pleated dress pants. These will look sloppy on tall, slender men because the extra room will make it look like he is wearing pants that don’t fit right. This simply ruins any idea of a sharp, tailored image. Flat-front dress pants are much better because they are slimming and snugger-fitting than pleated pants. Casual cotton or denim pants are best when worn in a flat-front style because you’ll look better and have a much better fit.
For larger men and some others pleated pants are the better choice. Pleated pants are much more flattering on many types of build and larger men tend to look much better in pleated pants. Men who have larger seats, thighs, or legs also look better in pleated pants. The pleat means that the waist band is more relaxed but there is more room in the upper thigh and the seat. So pleated pants are perfect for men who are athletes and have larger thighs. Pleated casual pants are great for work settings, but because they are less fashionable, most men don’t want to wear them. They do not match very well with cotton or jeans casuals.
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